The empirical cycle as an image of reality The empirical cycle as an image of reality is derived below from the experimental amateurish MRTE classification model. MRTE stands for the four basic characteristics: - Matter - Space - Time - Energy Each basic characteristic MRTE is classified into four basic characteristic values. - The concrete division of T into four basic characteristic values concerns 4 phases/stages of displacement of displaced particles: 1. from environment to subject 2. within subject 3. from subject to environment 4. within environment - The abstract classification of T concerns the 4 phases/stages: 1. perception 2. thinking/feeling/believing/knowing 3. expressing 4. news/information from/about the environment You can also imagine stages 2 and 4 as more or less simultaneous phases/stages, where thinking/feeling/believing/knowing takes place almost simultaneously with the events in our environment through observations. The diagram below concerns 4 archetypal cycles from BEGIN to END, with the 2 middle columns between BEGIN and END taking place more or less simultaneously. ______________________________________________________________________________________ BEGIN the abstract classification MRTE concerns 4 archetypal cycles from BEGIN to END ______________________________________________________________________________________ BEGIN END ______________________________________________________________________________________ - - size small unequal equal large ______________________________________________________________________________________ M Matter form {real} {false} {true} {unreal/info} R Space place {sender} {medium} {message/info} {receiver} T Time displacement {express} {news/info} {think/feel/believe/know} {observe} E Energy distortion {cause/info} {oppose} {cooperate} {result} ______________________________________________________________________________________ END the abstract classification MRTE concerns 4 archetypal cycles from BEGIN to END ______________________________________________________________________________________ The intermediate 2 columns between BEGIN and END occur more or less simultaneously. Phase/stage news/info from T concerns information from/about events in the environment, which take place almost simultaneously with thinking/feeling/believing/knowing via observations (the information about them). The empirical cycle/circle is the projection of the archetypal cycles per MRTE on T, where the {info} column determines the projection. The empirical cycle/circle concerns the perception of reality, whereby the following applies: 1. During perception, the M classification particularly seems functional: what is (un)real and (un)true? 2. During thinking/feeling/believing/knowing, the R classification particularly seems functional: what is the message/information, where does it come from and where does it go via what? 3. During expression, the E division particularly seems functional: causes, consequences, influences. 4. During news/info, the T division particularly seems functional: how does 1-4 of T proceed? Phases/stages 2 and 4 take place almost simultaneously, which is not illogical given the R classification per phase/stage of T. When the phases/stages are thought to take place over a relatively long period of time, then phase/stage 4 can be thought of after phase/stage 3, which is, for example, the case with the scientific empirical cycle/circle: 1. observe 2. determine what things you observe and what assumptions you deduce from them 3. test your assumptions 4. evaluate De empirical cycle concerns the projection of the 4 archetypal cycles of MRTE on T and constructs a conceptual model of reality. ____________________________________________________ | | | Subject | Environment | | ---M---> ---R---> ---E---> ---T---> | | | | |__________________________________________________| MRTE editorial team